Archive | October, 2008

Bed Rest

29 Oct

Only 12 days left! We are so excited, and also so impatient. Especially me, I’ve been doing basically ok for being pregnant… until about a week or week and a half ago it just suddenly hit me that I really feel pregnant. I just woke up that day and everything hurt… I’m pretty sure my pelvis is coming apart! It’s a strange, sort of wobbly feeling when I get up and walk around. And my energy has just been zapped, I feel somewhat like I did in the first trimester when all I wanted to do was sleep. Even the nausea has come back! Although when I asked my doctor about that part, she said it’s probably due to contractions, that contractions make some people feel sick. Great, I can add that to my list of things to look forward to when I actually go into labor!

Last week I was put on bed rest. We keep getting questions about it, it seems word has gotten out that something was up but no one seemed to actually know what. At our appointment last week I had gained nearly 5 pounds of just water weight, and my blood pressure was starting to go up which was making our Doctor concerned about preeclampsia. I’ve shown a couple smaller signs of it but this was a drastic change in a short period of time. So she told me I needed to stop working and that I needed to be on bed rest. I have to admit that I’ve been so exhausted lately that I’ve been secretly wishing for the last month for some reason to have to be on bed rest so that I could just be at home. But actually being on bed rest is a whole other matter! Not only am I now worried that something could go wrong with Matthew, but it is extremely boring! Half way through the first day I was pretty much bored out of my mind. I’ve been reading and watching TV and stuff, but that gets old fast. Luckily we are close to our due date and so I shouldn’t have to be bored much longer. We had another appointment yesterday and I have lost a few pounds of the water weight, and the swelling has noticeably gone down. She said to keep doing what I’ve been doing and we should be able to avoid any problems. She had originally said that if things didn’t change or especially if it got worse that we might have to induce early so that there would be no harm to Matthew… as much as we want him to be here now, we don’t want it to be under those circumstances!

I suppose that’s all the news for now. Violet has recently discovered that my belly moves. Matthew has kicked her before but she never really paid attention until just a couple days ago. She had her head on my belly and he was kicking and she seemed really fascinated by it, and just started licking that spot over and over again. Then the rest of the day all the wanted to do was cuddle up with my belly and lick that same spot. I just find it really interesting to see how our dogs react to all this baby stuff, we can’t wait to see what she thinks of the actual baby!

More Pictures

16 Oct

We had 2 appointments this week, the first was the ultrasound – and as you can see there are a few more pictures of Matthew! The ultrasound technician measured him and is estimating that he is around 7 pounds 11 ounces. Supposedly there is something like a 10% margin of error there… but either way, that is one large baby! It wouldn’t be so bad if I were due tomorrow or something, but he still technically has 3 more weeks of growing to do. Whatever happens, our doctor says she won’t let me go more than a week past my due date – to avoid complications. She is still saying probably around 8-9 pounds. So we will see… could be pretty much any time now, or it could be halfway through next month, no way to know! We are anxious for him to come, and thanks to Annie we now have a car seat which means we have all of the essentials needed before he arrives! Last weekend we went shopping for some things we still wanted to get – like a stroller, baby book, that sort of thing. Aaron put the stroller together when we got home and Violet gave it a test run… we sort of think she liked being rolled around! But then, she IS a lazy dog. Oh and if any of you ever wonder why it’s only Violet in the pictures and trying out baby things… it’s because Puppy is not such a good sport about it! He is a really easy going dog, but he really doesn’t like dressing up or being put in a stroller (Violet has also tested out the baby sling, Puppy would never get NEAR that thing).

Anyway, nothing else really new, we just wanted to get the pictures up. We have heard alot of opinions about who he looks like from the pictures… most seem to think it’s someone from the Burns side, although I think he looks a bit like my little brother. I guess we will have to wait and find out.

33 Days And Counting

7 Oct

We had our 35 week appointment today, and everything seems to be going good! I’ve been having a lot of contractions lately (nothing regular enough to cause concern) and they seem to be getting stronger, so she checked me out and it looks like I am about 1cm dilated… which is progress, but nothing huge so no worries. He’s been measuring ahead the whole pregnancy so today she had us schedule a growth ultrasound so that she can get a better estimate of how big and how far along he is. At this point, she is estimating he will be about 8-9 pounds, but the ultrasound should give her a better idea. We scheduled it for next Monday so I guess that means we will have some more pictures of him to post up next week! We haven’t seen him in a little while, so it will be nice to get one more peek before he comes. From the last couple appointments it sounds like she thinks there’s a possibility he may come early (nothing drastic though) and I’m hoping that’s the case… don’t get me wrong, I am happy being pregnant but it has gotten so uncomfortable that I just can’t wait for him to get out of me!

Otherwise, we are doing ok. We have about 95% of everything we need before he comes. I love going into the nursery and seeing it looking so perfect – and I had better enjoy it now because once he is actually here I’m fairly certain it won’t look so perfect anymore! We really are getting excited for him to come, Aaron has started talking to him in the evenings, and he seems to really like his voice because if he’s asleep or just not moving much, Aaron’s voice will wake him up and get him all excited (though once he’s here I’m not sure how much of a good thing that is!). He really responds to his Dad!

So these pictures are ones we took of Violet – one night we were discussing the possibility of her fitting into the baby clothes/diapers. That’s a newborn diaper she’s wearing and I’m pretty sure the sweatshirt was size 3-6 months. She was a little confused about the diaper but after a couple sniffs she seemed to forget about it. Anyway these pictures made us laugh so we thought we’d share!

Baby Shower

2 Oct

So last Saturday was the family baby shower, not everyone was there that I had hoped to see (although I know invitations went out a bit late) but I was happy to at least see all the Grandmas there! And even one of the Great-Grandmas! Also Kami was there which was a total surprise for me – sooo good to see you (since I haven’t seen you in about a hundred years)! Anyway, thank you to all of you who were able to come, and Matthew thanks you to, as he now has a larger wardrobe than I do! One of my favorites was a pair of little blue boots from my sister Sandie! And thanks to the soon to be Grandma Kathy for a good portion of his wardrobe, and among other things – the pee-pee teepee (for the sprinkling wee-wee)! Definately one of the funniest gifts (for those who don’t know what it is, I highly reccomend you Google it). Anyway now that we have nearly everything needed before he arrives…we are both starting to get a bit impatient… barely more than a month now! I’m as big as ever.. literally, I have never felt so huge… and everyone of course comments on how huge I am which is GREAT seeing as how I still have a month left to get even bigger. But as long as he’s healthy, I’m ok with it. He’s big enough now where his kicking has more turned into just jabbing me here and there. And once in a while he will poke some body part out to where it’s a visible lump on the outside. Kind of fun to watch though! So I’m including a handful of pictures from the shower, there aren’t a lot because everyone was so busy chatting that people forgot to take pictures. And try to ignore my hugeness…although that’s probably unavoidable!

Also wanted to mention congratulations to Neil and Angelica who had their twins, I’m really excited for you! Also to Robert and Amber – your mom was at the shower and told me you guys are pregnant (hope it’s not a secret)… I’m so happy for you too!