Lots of Pictures!

29 Dec

I’ve been trying and trying to find time to update but there isn’t a whole lot of extra time with a baby around! But tomorrow Matthew will be 6 weeks old so I figured I should probably get on it. We’ve had lots of requests for pictures so I thought I’d just post a bunch.

As for us we are doing well, getting as much sleep as possible and spending our time getting to know Matthew – it’s amazing how much personality he has even at this age! A couple weeks ago he started smiling in response to us playing with him and that has made him so much more fun! He’s also seems to have discovered his own voice because he’s started doing a lot of “talking” … he will just babble all day long, it’s so cute and so nice to hear something coming out of him that isn’t crying! He’s also very strong, he’s been able to hold his head up since he was born, but he has gotten so much stronger – he can occasionally lift it all the way up while on his stomach, as well as sometimes being able to push himself up on his arms while on his stomach. And for at least a few weeks now he’s been able to support his weight while on his feet… obviously he has no balance yet but with a little assistance he can stand. He’s getting stronger and stronger every day, it’s amazing how fast he is able to do something new!

Well Christmas is over and we were able to see almost everyone! The snow prevented us from going out much but we at leaste got to see most of our immediate family. Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts, Matthew (and of especially us!) thanks you for the great clothes and toys … and of course the diapers and wipes! Aaron is especially excited about the new plane he will be hanging in Matthew’s bedroom! So thank you everyone, we hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

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