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Officially Due … + One Day

11 Nov

So… we are officially past due. Our counter may say our baby is 1 day old, unfortunately that is soooo not true. I was officially due yesterday, but still no baby! We had another doctor’s appointment today, Matthew is doing really well. We can say that for sure because I had told her that I’ve noticed a decrease in movement lately so she hooked me up to a monitor for a little while to just check on him and apparently he is sounding very healthy! It was cute, too, because at one point he had hiccups and you could hear it on the monitor and see my stomach jump with every hiccup. Anyway I’m now dilated to about 2, and she said things are progressing really well. She did something called stripping the membranes – which basically means she separated the cervix from the bag of waters. It’s supposed to help start contractions, but she said it is really only effective if my body is ready to go into labor, otherwise it won’t really do anything. She (and us as well!) is hoping I will go into labor this week, but if not we will be going in this Sunday to start the process of being induced. In which case it sounds like he will be born Monday. So… hopefully Monday at the latest, but everyone cross your fingers that it will happen before then! We will definitely call though when he is on his way and especially when he is here, so for those of you who call and ask if he’s here yet… we won’t leave you in the dark!

That’s about it. We just got the baby swing, which was the last thing we had ordered that had yet to arrive. Violet of course tried it out and when we turned it on… and she was asleep within just a couple minutes. Let’s hope it works that well on Matthew! I’ll post a couple pictures. Violet has also taken to cuddling with my belly and there are a couple pictures of that. She likes to lick my belly now and he will start kicking wherever she licks. I’m not sure how he can feel it, because she’s not pressing very hard – but it works every time!