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At the Hospital

17 Nov

Well were here at the hospital and they just got Melanie hooked up to an IV of patosin and we are waiting for the fun to start!

Well her IV just broke and of course it would happen while our nurse was taking her break so we spent 5 min. soaking up blood and patosin with paper towels until she got back. I was pretty proud of myself I didn’t faint or anything:). It looks like they have got it all fixed up now and are getting her back on the meds so we are waiting for the contractions to start! – 9:58am

They say that they will break Melanies water in about an hour or so and that should get things kick started. – 10:42

Well they just broke her water so we should start to see things get started here within the next few hours. Melanie is having some contractions but they aren’t very strong yet so were hoping they get stronger otherwise they might have to do a C section. – 12:11pm

No news yet it’s going slow still waiting for some bigger contractions to come. We’ve been laying down watching some tv and trying to get some rest. 2:04pm

She is starting to feel the contractions so we are going to walk the halls and see if we can’t get things moving. -3:15pm

Walking seemed to work a little she had to stop walking through a couple of the contractions so that’s a good sign. -4:06pm

Melanie is definetly feeling them now! The last few have been really strong and she has just asked for an epidural so the doc is on the way to hook her up with some DRUGS. – 6:28pm

Who ever said “say no to drugs” must not have ever given birth 🙂 Melanie is definetly feeling much better, before she was really concentrating / squeezing my hand with each contraction but now she’s on her phone checking her email and stuff while having them 🙂 – 7:19pm

They just put in a catheder and checked her cervix and she is at a 6 and it has thinned out a fair amount. So we are definetly getting closer but we still have a few hours left it sounds like.
– 7:44pm

Our Dr. Just checked in with us and she’s now dialated to 8 cm so were moving along quickly. She’s going to check back in an hour and see how were moving along so I’ll update everyone then unless something happens before then! – 8:53pm

No baby yet we are still waiting for things to progress to the next level. No news really other than Melanies Mom showed up a little bit ago so I’ve got some help 🙂 – 11:02 pm

Well were hearing from the nurse that she thinks he’ll be out by at least 1:30am that’s about 10:30pm german time 😉
– 11:32pm

WERE PUSHING!! 11:45pm

We’ve been pushing for about 25 min. so far. It looks like melanie is running a little bit of a temp so they think there might be an infection so after the baby is born they are going to get the baby on some antibiotics right away.

They are going to give melanie some antibiotics as well but it looks like they might have to keep the baby 48hrs. To make sure everything is going ok. 12:49am

Well I just saw his head on this last push. He’s about 3/4 of an inch up there – 12:55am

Doesn’t look like he’s got much hair from what I can tell. He’s not out yet but he’s getting close. – 1:01am

We just got an estimate of about 45 Min to an hour. 1:09am


9lbs 11oz!!!